We are a vibrant, supportive and diverse group of Yogic Practitioners from all around the world. Through Community we explore and practice the Tamil Siddhars/ Tantrik teachings and practices so we may bring them to life in everyday experiences.

Among us there are people who have practiced Classical Vedic/ Vedanga, Tantra and Siddanta for over 15 years, and others who have just discovered the teachings.

We foster and nurture a sense of community online, in our weekly gatherings on Zoom, live event broadcasting and anytime there is the opportunity to meet in person, whether it’s for a retreat or just a shared meal. In addition, all our Events, courses and retreats have a dedicated community forum to share the experience and teachings of the lineage with each other.

We believe in the power of supporting each other on the spiritual path, and directly experiencing the deep transformation that being in community creates. Within a community, we encounter the ebbs and flows of life not as isolated beings, but in relation to each other.

Vashi.Guru was created by Dr. Navnit J Krishna, also known as Navnit Ji

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